Saturday 30 March 2024



The world is drowning in blood

Bodies, hearts, broken dreams. 

The piercing cries of the innocent, and guilty 

Have reached the far round rim of stars

The vast dark emptiness is full

 Crammed with helpless hunger pains

Crying with the din of the dying:

The once beautiful balance of galaxies and stellar oceans

Is upended as the scales pile high 

With the heavy sighs from one frail ball

The fingers of the suffering Lover

Pull at the edges of space, peeling them in, 

The orbs begin to slide and tumble like shining silver  fish

As the net of space is drawn in

                                                                       In to the innocent naked body

Of the suffering man:

The world drowns in his blood

And  he wraps his nakedness in a cloak of stars

Only to shake them out again, innocent, clean and singing

For a frail ball made new.

                                              Wilf. Easter 2024

Friday 9 February 2024


Out in the open desert
Under the bare sky and sun,
Away from You  it is cold darkness,
But as Your shadow reaches over us
We are warm and safe in Your light.
And if we walk,
Or sit in despair
In the valley of the shadow of death
Your deeper shadow will cover us
We will fear no evil

WILF Dec 2023